WMI Malware: The Complete Forensics Guide

Attackers can use WMI malware for just about anything. Execution, persistence, lateral movement… honestly, the list goes on. Fortunately for you, there are blogs like these that will help you understand exactly how bad guys use WMI.

And exactly how good guys – AKA you – can stop them.

Now let’s get to it.

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Introduction to WMI Malware
How Attackers Use WMI Malware
Real-World Attacks
4 WMI Malware Detection Techniques
Find WMI Malware Easily

Introduction to WMI Malware

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a Microsoft framework for system management that doubles as versatile tool for bad actors. As DFIR expert Chris Ray explains, “WMI activity is important to review for malicious behavior due to its wide abuse by threat actors. It provides an easy way for threat actors to create processes, tamper with system settings, and perform system recon all without needing to bring in additional tools.”

Why it’s dangerous:

  • Standard Windows feature so threat actors to blend in.
  • Enables “fileless” persistence making file-based scanning useless.
  • Allows threat actors to be less reliant on external tools.

How attackers access it: 

Use in the attack life cycle:

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of these.

Get Technical on WMI
Want to learn more about the technical details of WMI? Here are a few resources we recommend:

How Attackers Use WMI Malware

WMI for Execution

Attackers Can Create a Process Locally

  • Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName win32_process -MethodName create -Arguments @{commandline=”notepad.exe”}
  • Invoke-WmiMethod -Class win32_process -name create -Argumentlist “notepad.exe”
  • wmic process call create “notepad.exe”
Attackers Can Create a Process Remotely

  • Invoke-CimMethod -ComputerName blocker -ClassName win32_process -MethodName create -Arguments @{commandline=”notepad.exe”}
  • Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName blocker -Class win32_process -name create -Argumentlist “notepad.exe”
  • Wmic /node:blocker process call create “notepad.exe”
Attackers Can Create Services Locally


Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName Win32_Service -MethodName Create -Arguments @{

     Name             = "Service name"

     DisplayName      = "Service display name"

     PathName         = "%comspec% ping google.com"

     StartMode        = "Automatic"

     StartName        = "LocalSystem"

  • Wmic service call create displayname=”service display name” pathname=”ping google.com” name=”Service name” startmode=”automatic”
Attackers Can Create Services Remotely


Invoke-CimMethod -ComputerName blocker -ClassName Win32_Service -MethodName Create -Arguments @{

     Name             = "Service name"

     DisplayName      = "Service display name"

     PathName         = "%comspec% ping google.com"

     StartMode        = "Automatic"

     StartName        = "LocalSystem"

  • Wmic /node:blocker  service call create displayname=”service display name” pathname=”ping google.com” name=”Service name” startmode=”automatic”

Attackers can use WMI to initiate new processes on both local and remote systems via the create method for:

The WMIExec.py script is a commonly abused script that uses Win32_Process for remote process creation.

WMI for Discovery

Attackers Can List Directory Content Remotely

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_DataFile -ComputerName blocker -Filter “Drive = ‘C:’ AND Path = ‘\\users\\public\\'”
  • Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_DataFile -ComputerName blocker -Filter  “Drive = ‘C:’ AND Path = ‘\\users\\public\\'”
  • Wmic datafile where “Drive = ‘C:’ AND Path = ‘\\users\\public\\'”

WMI lateral example.
WMI lateral example.
Attackers Can Check Installed Patches

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering
  • Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering
  • Wmic qfe

WMI_patch level example.
WMI_patch level example.
Attackers Can View AV Software

  • Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/SecurityCenter2 -ClassName AntiVirusProduct
  • Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct

WMI AV product example.
WMI AV product example.
Attackers Can View Running Processes

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_process -Filter “Name=’lsass.exe'”
  • Get-WmiObject -Class win32_process -Filter “Name=’lsass.exe'”
  • Wmic process where “name=’lsass.exe'”

WMI Process LSASS example.
WMI Process LSASS example.
Attackers Can View Active Services

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter “Name=’windefend'”
  • Get-WmiObject -Class win32_Service -Filter “Name=’windefend'”
  • Wmic service where “name=’windefend'”

WMI Service defender example.
WMI Service Defender example.

Attackers can use WMI to collect a wide range of system data locally and remotely.

This includes: 

WMI for Defense Evasion

Attackers Can Disable Firewall

  • Get-CimInstance -Namespace “root/StandardCimv2” -ClassName MSFT_NetFirewallProfile | ForEach-Object { $_.Enabled = $false; $_ | Set-CimInstance }
  • Get-WmiObject -Namespace “root\StandardCimv2” -Class MSFT_NetFirewallProfile | ForEach-Object { $_.Enabled = $false; $_.Put() }
Attackers Can Disable Critical Services

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter “Name=’eventlog'” | ForEach-Object { $_.StopService(); $_.ChangeStartMode(‘Disabled’) }
  • Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter “Name=’eventlog'” | ForEach-Object { $_.StopService(); $_.ChangeStartMode(‘Disabled’) }
  • Wmic service where name=eventlog call ChangeStartMode Disabled
Attackers Can Clear Event Logs

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NTEventlogFile -Filter “LogFileName=’Application'” | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName ClearEventlog
  • Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NTEventLogFile -Filter “LogFileName=’Application'”| ForEach-Object { $_.ClearEventLog() }
  • Wmic nteventlog where “LogfileName=’Application'” call ClearEventLog
Attackers Can Avoid Sandbox Analysis

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | fl *
  • Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem | fl *
  • Wmic computersystem

WMI virtual example
WMI virtual example.

Attackers can use WMI to tamper with system logs, critical services, and evade detection.

This includes: 

WMI for Impact

Attackers Can Block System Recovery

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ShadowCopy | Remove-CimInstance
  • Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ShadowCopy | ForEach-Object { $_.Delete() }
  • Wmic shadowcopy delete
Attackers Can Force System Reboot

  • Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName reboot
  • (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem).Win32Shutdown(6)
  • Wmic os where Primary=’TRUE’ call Win32Shutdown 6

Attackers can use WMI to disrupt system recovery and force reboots or shutdowns.

Here’s how: 

These tactics are often used in ransomware attacks to make recovery harder or in stealthy intrusions to cover their tracks.

WMI for Persistence

Attackers Can Create WMI Consumers
For examples and more on WMI Consumers for persistence read:

Attackers Can Create Services
See execution section for examples.
Attackers Can Create Autorun Keys

WMI persistence with autorun example.
WMI persistence with autorun example.

Attackers can use WMI to set up persistence mechanisms.

This includes: 

A tool called WMIPersis.py simplifies this process by automating event consumer-based persistence.

Real-World Attacks

ShrinkLocker Ransomware

Where WMI was used:
  • Used to check the computers domain so it can bail out if the computer is not the intended target.
  • Perform a system restart when needed.
  • Check the OS version. If running on an older system (XP and 2000) then it deletes itself and exits.
  • Used to check if BitLocker is installed.
  • Used to create registry keys (related to BitLocker).
  • Data returned was used to help generate a random bitlocker password for encryption.
  • Checks to see if bitlocker service is running. If it is not then WMI was used to start the service before the encryption takes place.
  • Used to determine the drive letter for the drive the OS is installed on.
  • Used to check if the disk has been encrypted.

Keep reading about this case

Blue Mockingbird Cryptominer

Where WMI was used:
Create persistence via COR_PROFILER
  • Used WMIC ENVIRONMENT to create a new system wide environment variable.

Keep reading about this case


Where WMI was used:
WMI persistence via WMI persistent consumers
  • Used the CommandLineEventConsumer class to execute a lolbin cbd.exe 5-6 minutes after the system boots up.

Keep reading about this case

Learn More About Real WMI Malware Incidents

4 WMI Malware Detection Techniques

#1 Monitor for WMI Consumer Persistence
  • Threat actors use WMI consumers for persistence.
  • WMI Database
  • EDR Telemetry
  • Sysmon logs (event 19, 20, 21)
  • Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational log (event 4861)
What to look for
#2 Monitor for Unusual Children of Scrcons.exe
  • Scrcons.exe is the exe responsible for implementing actions defined by ActiveScriptEventConsumer instances. As a result, reviewing the children of scrcons.exe can help find malicious activity executed by WMI persistence.
  • Anywhere you get process execution history. Some examples are:
    • Security log (event 4688)
    • Sysmon logs (event 1)
    • EDR Telemetry
What to look for
  • Any unusual child processes of scrcons.exe such as powershell.exe, pwsh.exe, cmd.exe, dllhost.exe, etc… Sigma rules already exist to capture some of this activity, such as this rule.
#3 Monitor for Unusual Children of Wmiprvse.exe
  • When WMI is used for remote execution the processes will be children of WmiPrvse.exe.
  • Anywhere you get process execution history. Some examples are:
    • Security log  (event 4688)
    • Sysmon logs (event 1)
    • EDR Telemetry
What to look for
  • Any unusual child processes such as: powershell.exe, cmd.exe, pwsh.exe, reg.exe, etc… Existing rules can be used as a starting point such as this rule.
#4 Monitor Process History for Unusual Usage of WMI Commands
  • Reviewing process command line history allows defenders to find malicious uses of WMI that have been initiated from wmic.exe or powershells.
  • Anywhere you get process execution history. Some examples are:
    • Security log  (event 4688)
    • Sysmon logs (event 1)
    • EDR Telemetry
What to look for
  • Process of wmic.exe, cmd.exe, powershell.exe, pwsh.exe
  • Commandline containing interesting WMI methods like the ones we previously discussed.
    • Ex. win32_process and call (create a process)
    • Ex. Win32_ShadowCopy and delete (delete a shadowcopy)
    • Ex. Win32_NTEventlogFile  and ClearEventlog (clear windows event log)

Find WMI Malware Easily

It’s important for investigators to understand the fundamentals of WMI, the technical details and classic strategies aren’t really required anymore. Once you understand the basics, investigators should focus on the big picture of an investigation.

And it’s the job of software to take care of the rest.

Cyber Triage is just such software. Cyber Triage automates the collection of all the artifacts (like WMI) investigators need and scores them according to how suspicious they are using automated analysis.

It radically speeds up (and improves the accuracy) of investigations.

Try it today!