What is ReversingLabs?
Multiple scanning engines provide a broader perspective on all possible types of malware. ReversingLabs’ breadth can help you identify and prioritize risk. Their automated static analysis technology and file intelligence services help your security teams combat unknown malware and improve response.
Integration actions
Allows Cyber Triage to perform malware analysis of file hash and content via ReversingLabs.
Whom is it built for?
Internal IR Teams.
Why is it useful?
Multiple scanning engines provide a more broad perspective on all possible types of malware. However, not every scanning engine will flag all malware. The ReversingLabs integration helps perform a stronger analysis of your files and flag malware that might have been missed. The integration can also remotely launch collections which means faster, more efficient response process.
Where is it used?
With the Cyber Triage/ReversingLabs integration, all files that are collected from the endpoint can be sent to ReversingLabs for analysis, threat detection, and classification.
What is the required Cyber Triage version?
Standard and Team.
Additional links
- ReversingLabs Integration Provides Improved Malware Scanning
- linkedin.com/company/reversinglabs/
- github.com/reversinglabs/
*For more information about this integration contact our sales team: sales@cybertriage.com.